Care to put that in English? Something like:
Bob, when you get to the point that you're actually going to put a turbo on, you'll have to replace your stock injectors with <insert brand and model here>, and all you have to do for that, is <show me and tell me, here>
Bahh, that would make it too

I thought you would
enjoy a 12 page booklet on
injector selection for the turbo
Track/Kick 1.6
OK, OK, I'll cut the BS and spill
the beans, PPH = pounds per hour
also can be measured in CC/Min
but I don't know the conversion
formula off hand.
What you want to do is get some
injectors from a 2.3L Ford Thunderbird
those are 25 PPH, the Turbo Bird has
35 PPH, either of these should be fine
as far as size goes, and will also give
a good idle with the MS EFI System
I don't know what Ohm the stock
Suzuki injectors are, tho I think Rhino
said they are low Ohm, or called low Z
I do know that the 17PPH injectors from
a Ford Escort are high Z or High Ohm, this
probably dosen't mean anything to you .....
Yet, but it has a factor in the setup of the
MS EFI system, Low Z require a peak and
hold, which limits the current so as to not
overload the FET's which are high speed and
high load Transistors, for all purposes, too
much current over heats these and can burn
them out, then the EFI stops working
To install the new injectors, simply remove
and replace with the new ones, use caution
and measure the Ohm of the old injectors
first Low Z is between 2-4 Ohm High is 9-16
Ohm, and if the old ones are low, no problem,
if not you could burn out the stock ECU from
over current