"Thrillcraft" is just another made up word like "Carbon footprint" or "Carbon Credits"
Which brings me to my next point: Urban wheeling
, I mean where do you think I got my screen name.
It all started when I said "when in doubt, wheel over curbs and fences, and you will find a main road" around some environmentally minded girl, and she got mad at me. I thought it was funny how just joking about something I wouldn't really do would make someone so mad.
Which brings me to my next point, being the "anti thrillcraft" people are really anti fun, as well as crazy.I see this all the time with the annoying greenpeace people that sit in front of the safeway saying that some toilet paper company (I think it was Kimberly-Clark, or Procter and Gamble) is making some forest in Alaska into toilet paper, and they are somehow killing the polar bears at the same time...in short, nonsense, spoken by the stoned 18-23 yr old kids that greenpeace recruits and programs, and then dumps off in front of the stores to annoy those who know better
I say we should build a Mad Max vehicle and find the guy who coined the phrase "Thrillcraft" and tie him to the front of it like they did to the hostages in mad max 2