Oh this guy has his head so far up his ass it is ridiculous.... So Far I made it through 4 paragraphs.
Paragraph 1- His experience at a restruant and talk about the smoking ban.
Paragraph 2- His transition form smoking Ban to now thrill craft ban.
Paragraph 3- His Introduction to his body of the letter.
Paragraph 4- When he actually starts to make a point.
Sickening direct quotes form the first paragraph (#4) where he attempts to make a point about the evils of thrill craft.
"Indeed, each person has a patriotic duty and obligation to oppose thrillcraft’s hegemony and control of our American soil and water."No need to even reply to this one (need barf smiley inserted here)...
They terrorize wildlifeUmmmmm, All of the deer, fox, bear, elk, coyotes, numerous birds, wild cats, etc.. I have had the pleasure of experiencing on the trail just stood there looking at me as I enjoyed their beauty. Oddly enough, I though a terrorized creature would not stay in an area where they were repeatedly terrorized, stand there and calmly watch or even better, approach the 'thrillcraft' and investigate it.

Then his true self centered opinion comes out:
"results in a cacophony that shatters the quiet that people seek in natural areas
creating conflict with many other non-thrillcraft members of the public such as hikers, picnickers, and those seeking solace."
Ummm, I've heard this one before. Lets ban the use of public lands to everyone BUT me and my group so we can enjoy it how WE want to without disturbance. (I think He is the one who needs to enjoy his hobbies/relaxation on his personal or on private land)
And the best one yet.... Spoken absurdly from a person that has never experienced a "thrillcraft" for even 5 minutes:
"With 65% of Americans over 20 estimated to be overweight, use of thrillcraft, and the lack of exercise that goes with it, can even be said to promotes the growing obesity problem in the country"
He needs to get up form his picnic table or stop his leasurely stroll through the woods and strap on a ski or wake board, sit on the back of a jet ski, dirt bike or ATV, or even spend an afternoon bouncing through the woods in a 4x4 getting in and out, hiking up and down the mountains to spot/help other drivers, pull cable or just to watch. He would be in for a surprise.
I'm about to barf my oatmeal so I'm gonna quit bitching about this for a while. Wait!!!!!! I'm an out of shape lazy "thrillcraft" owner so I must of eaten 6 pounds of bacon with my 8 waffles while I was playing playstation for breakfast instead of a cup of oatmeal

I cant wait till lunch to see if I can read through the rest of this garbage without barfing.