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Yet another Enviromental Wacko Group Trying to kill our sport.

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Yet another Enviromental Wacko Group Trying to kill our sport.
« on: October 08, 2008, 10:24:26 AM »
Eric L. Bewley                               
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Re: Yet another Enviromental Wacko Group Trying to kill our sport.
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2008, 12:00:04 PM »
I find it amusing that they want to go after all watercraft as well.  This reeks of a person who considers driving 10 miles outside of a city to a park a trip to the great outdoors.

He has compared supporting non-hiking use on public lands to to supporting Slavery, a nice touch.  He was this close to bringing in Godwin's Law.  He also co-ops the smoking in public law, which is amusing because it's not for smoking in public places.  It is for smoking inside buildings where the smoke cannot escape.  The health bits where more for the workers then the general public.

Most of the PWC bans he mentioned were for noise issues more then anything else, as to not bother other tourists.  Not to save the wilderness.

The use of the word 'thrillcraft' is well done though, evoking the idea that anyone involved in these activities is simply trying to 'get high' on the activity and thus placing them on the same level as drug user.  One fun fact, he mentions 'thrillcraft' but does NOT limit the term to motorized vehicles.  So he is going after basically everything other then walking traffic.  He does mention that motorized thrillcraft pose a growing threat, but it's not all he wants to ban.

Man, I'm tempted to send him an email just to argue...  :)

And some claim their machines help them to access natural places where they can appreciate nature and obtain a spiritual connection to the natural world. These are, in themselves, attributes that I would agree are positive and desirable. However, one can still object to the means of obtaining these outcomes even if one agrees that the ends have merit. A slave owner from the antebellum South might have argued that owning slaves and caring for them taught his children responsibility; nevertheless, today we would argue that there are superior ways to teach children responsibility.

This guy even made his own company called Foundation for Deep Ecology

« Last Edit: October 08, 2008, 12:04:09 PM by Drone637 »
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Re: Yet another Enviromental Wacko Group Trying to kill our sport.
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2008, 12:17:54 PM »
I only made it through about the 5th paragraph before I decided not to waste my time reading this baloney.  Calling them "wacko" is being kind.  This is some of the most outlandish hogwash I've read.  Only true way to fight them is if we band together and work with the government.  Makes me want to send my whole check to the Blue Ribbon Coalition.
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Re: Yet another Enviromental Wacko Group Trying to kill our sport.
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2008, 03:27:53 PM »

The iconology associated with thrillcraft advertisements says it all. Thrillcraft use is about thwarting or at least thumbing your nose at the law and social convention, and celebrates rowdy boorish behavior.

Because you know that we are all a bunch of loud mouth, rowdy, drunks that have absolutely no respect for anything. ???

This guy is way out of touch with reality.

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Re: Yet another Enviromental Wacko Group Trying to kill our sport.
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2008, 07:21:52 AM »
Oh this guy has his head so far up his ass it is ridiculous.... So Far I made it through 4 paragraphs.

Paragraph 1- His experience at a restruant and talk about the smoking ban.
Paragraph 2- His transition form smoking Ban to now thrill craft ban.
Paragraph 3- His Introduction to his body of the letter.
Paragraph 4- When he actually starts to make a point.

Sickening direct quotes form the first paragraph (#4) where he attempts to make a point about the evils of thrill craft.

"Indeed, each person has a patriotic duty and obligation to oppose thrillcraft’s hegemony and control of our American soil and water."

No need to even reply to this one (need barf smiley inserted here)...

They terrorize wildlife

Ummmmm, All of the deer, fox, bear, elk, coyotes, numerous birds, wild cats, etc.. I have had the pleasure of experiencing on the trail just stood there looking at me as I enjoyed their beauty. Oddly enough, I though a terrorized creature would not stay in an area where they were repeatedly terrorized, stand there and calmly watch or even better, approach the 'thrillcraft' and investigate it.  ::)

Then his true self centered opinion comes out:

"results in a cacophony that shatters the quiet that people seek in natural areas creating conflict with many other non-thrillcraft members of the public such as hikers, picnickers, and those seeking solace."

Ummm, I've heard this one before. Lets ban the use of public lands to everyone BUT me and my group so we can enjoy it how WE want to without disturbance. (I think He is the one who needs to enjoy his hobbies/relaxation on his personal or on private land)

And the best one yet.... Spoken absurdly from a person that has never experienced a "thrillcraft" for even 5 minutes:

"With 65% of Americans over 20 estimated to be overweight, use of thrillcraft, and the lack of exercise that goes with it, can even be said to promotes the growing obesity problem in the country"

He needs to get up form his picnic table or stop his leasurely stroll through the woods and strap on a ski or wake board, sit on the back of a jet ski, dirt bike or ATV, or even spend an afternoon bouncing through the woods in a 4x4 getting in and out, hiking up and down the mountains to spot/help other drivers, pull cable or just to watch. He would be in for a surprise.

I'm about to barf my oatmeal so I'm gonna quit bitching about this for a while. Wait!!!!!! I'm an out of shape lazy "thrillcraft" owner so I must of eaten 6 pounds of bacon with my 8 waffles while I was playing playstation for breakfast instead of a cup of oatmeal  :P

I cant wait till lunch to see if I can read through the rest of this garbage without barfing.

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Re: Yet another Enviromental Wacko Group Trying to kill our sport.
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2008, 09:19:13 AM »
I cant wait till lunch to see if I can read through the rest of this garbage without barfing.

Check out the website then.  The post above is a SHORTENED version of the one on-line. 
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Re: Yet another Enviromental Wacko Group Trying to kill our sport.
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2008, 11:57:47 AM »
I cant wait till lunch to see if I can read through the rest of this garbage without barfing.

Check out the website then.  The post above is a SHORTENED version of the one on-line. 

I'm not into torturing myself  :-\ Ummmm wait, I do plan on reading the rest of the post  >:D

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Re: Yet another Enviromental Wacko Group Trying to kill our sport.
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2008, 05:14:35 AM »
Most of the time, I consider myself a reasonable, intelligent man, capable of tolerance on most points of view. I try to allow myself to see the validity of all ideas if possible. However, this guy just makes me want to take a baseball bat to his head. I know that sounds crazy, but trying to reason or argue with these type of zealots is like arguing with a rock. There is no compromise for them, it's their way only. Sounds very much like certain religious philosophy to me, and we know where that gets us. Maybe we'll all get lucky, and get treated to the spectacle of this loon getting hit by a bus walking to his favorite pub. Now that would be poetic justice. 
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Re: Yet another Enviromental Wacko Group Trying to kill our sport.
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2008, 10:11:44 AM »
"Thrillcraft"?  What a nerd.
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Re: Yet another Enviromental Wacko Group Trying to kill our sport.
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2008, 05:35:52 AM »
I'll bet he doesn't get laid either.
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Re: Yet another Enviromental Wacko Group Trying to kill our sport.
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2008, 02:12:23 PM »
im tired of talking to people with these views. we where going to have an atv/offroad vehicle park made near me and they some how convinced the board to cancel the plans. 6 years later they tear have the woods down to make a strip mall lol.
  they don't understand that its not just a "thrillcraft" its pretty much Americans heritage. I remember when i was 10, My father and grandfather took me out for my first time to sit behind the wheel and drive my grandfathers lifted 69 chevy through my first mud puddle i was in love with the sport from that point. my grandfather is a retired fabricator and engine builder and most of his customers wore drag racers, off roaders and sprint cars
also peoples jobs. the economy is already bad, if they somehow did ban us many companies would have to lay off there employees and may even have to shut down. also might make the companies to raise the prices one there awesome products due to lack of customers.
  they already banned 2 stroke engines to be produced  :( 
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Re: Yet another Enviromental Wacko Group Trying to kill our sport.
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2008, 10:02:02 PM »
At this very moment, our national icons are under assault. Snowmobiles invade the quiet solitude of winter in Yellowstone. ORVs are ripping up trails in the wild forests of the Northern Rockies. Jet skis are destroying the quiet of numerous lakes and ponds from Florida to Oregon. Dirt bikes are tearing up the fragile deserts of California and Arizona. ATVs and track vehicles are trampling tundra and terrorizing wildlife in Alaska’s national parks. Swamp buggies are gouging out huge rutted trails in the wetlands of Florida’s Big Cypress Preserve.

Sounds like fun, where do I sign up?
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Re: Yet another Enviromental Wacko Group Trying to kill our sport.
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2008, 05:21:37 AM »
 8) 8) 8)THRILLCRARTS RULE!!!!! :laugh:


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Re: Yet another Enviromental Wacko Group Trying to kill our sport.
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2008, 06:46:57 AM »
hahaha... THRILLCRAFT.... whew, that's a new one.

The author is basically saying.... Stop everyone from doing what they want on PUBLIC land, so that HE can enjoy it the way HE wants to, and the hell with what everyone else wants to do on PUBLIC land.... Sounds like he needs to be the one using his private land to do as he pleases if the public really bothers him that badly.

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« Last Edit: November 24, 2008, 06:50:46 AM by Bandit02 »
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Re: Yet another Enviromental Wacko Group Trying to kill our sport.
« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2008, 08:44:51 PM »
correct,these people have there own agenda. to basicilly stop,to shut down any or all laws that protect all people andtheir rights in the pursuit of happiness. I have hiked though the trees, i've walked on the beaches, i've backpacked into the mountains to fish and camp. now i drive my sam to get to alot of these places i might not ever see. i work, i pay my taxes ,that go to purchase and care for these same properties that these screwballs are trying to shut down. i have been around some of these so called enviromentalist . they're  rude. during their protest , they usally leave their trash behind for somebody esle to pickup. ah sorry sore subject. the people i wheel with, no drinking on trail run, carry out what you brung plus extra if found. help those in need, take care of the areas you wheel in and repect other people's property. this last has allow us some private property runs.  soooo i wonder who it is that really cares  for the land, those that actually use it or those that rant and rave they have to save it,, huh !!!  ? what are they saving it for,a rainy day.