Took a few.. mostly of this buggy I was checking out.. never seen a suspension quite like it.
Plenty of pics of the buggy.. and a few of Haspin, a sammi or two... couple stuck Yota.. you know, normal day at Haspin, lol...
but for real.. take a look at this buggy, it's light.. has a 4.0 liter heep motor (good motor..) I think he told me it weighs about 3200 lbs..  the suspension is interesting, but seems to worrk really well on the trails.. (it was built for the woods) it's a little wide, but really does a good job..
I followed him everywhere he went though ;D he never made it up the vertical climb in the photos.. (neither did I ;) )
The maroon sami is nice, less than 60k on the clock. were some other nice Sammy's there.. but I didn't get any pics.. was too busy driving
And then of course there was THIS guy.. last week we nick-named him "Beercan" cause he ALWAYS has a beer can stuffed somewhere on his rig.. he won't throw them on the ground (thank god) but never had room for all his emptys.. (Passengers.. etc..) SO.. this week he showed up with the ultimate Wheeling bolt (this thing will smash a can F-L-A-T.. believe me)