Maybe I was in a cave for the past 18 months since I've been reading about Samurais. Until last week I had not heard about the TSB on the Samurai for the vent tube fix. I ordered one from GB Auto Parts for $13.58 and slipped that puppy into the carb today. It is literally less that 3 minutes from start to finish to install.
Before I put in the tube the best 0-60 time I ever got on my Sammy was 20.9 seconds. After putting in the vent tube I got 16.8 seconds.
The software I was running calculated my wheel HP at 37HP before the mod. Afterwards it was showing 49HP. So I have to say that little vent tube made a significant improvement on the little 1.3L engine. Not bad for less than $20 bucks!
I later saw the Same part at Petroworks for $9.50 but they charge $12.34 for shipping. Shipping at GB Auto was about $3.
I almost didn't buy it because the first couple places I found wanted $35 and $50 for that little piece of aluminum pipe. If you don't have the vent tube installed in your original Samurai with the Hitachi carburetor, you really should put one in.