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FEATURE ARTICLE: Finding the Next One Over - High Desert Adventure

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Offline ebewley

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Fields, OR - A few years ago we set out on a grand adventure to find the convergence of the Oregon, California, and Nevada state boundary lines. That exploration was so enjoyable not for finding the actual spot on the ground where the states met but for seeing all of the stuff along the way. That trip definitely reaffirmed that it is truly the journey and not the destination that fulfills. So, the thought arose as the where we'd try to go next and the obvious choice was to follow the Oregon border further east and pick the next convergence of state boarders. That's what we did and that where we went.


« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 05:29:00 PM by ebewley »
Eric L. Bewley                               
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Re: FEATURE ARTICLE: Finding the Next One Over - High Desert Adventure
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2012, 06:42:02 PM »
Ahh, brings back memories of our OBCDR trip.  I used to hunt on Hart mountain, and remember how distant it is from civilization.  My main memory is "bring lot's of fuel!"

I'm curious how Scott's new trailer performed, and how his track/kick did towing it.  Looks like a great back country setup.

 I hope to be able to rendezvous with you for the next next one over trip.

Thanks for sharing this trip with us.



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Re: FEATURE ARTICLE: Finding the Next One Over - High Desert Adventure
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2012, 10:37:51 PM »
That was truly a good time!  I enjoyed "planking" the corner marker...thinking that will be something to add to future wheeling trips!  The perfect spot to plank...
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Re: FEATURE ARTICLE: Finding the Next One Over - High Desert Adventure
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2012, 12:48:44 PM »
Man that loks like it was a lot of fun.... I can not wait till August....

'92 Liberty Overland Sidekick