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Timing chains

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Timing chains
« on: September 17, 2010, 05:54:07 AM »
For those of you out there with Timing Chain Questions...

I recently gained some knowledge about the timing chain rattle that is so common on the V6 engine.  Apparently, the ports for lubrication on the timing chain guides are very small, and if you don't change the oil regularly, they gum up and don't work as well at low rpm, and cause faster breakdown of the timing chain system.  Doing a thorough engine flush, and new oil, then change again after 500km to completely clean out the sytem, then put in thin oil (like 0w30) with a good lube additive like Lucas or Royal Purple, can clear up the rattle and repairs are no longer needed!!!  I am going to try this since my chain is making a bit of noise at idle.  I was going to get the chains serviced and tensioners replaced, but this may save me $1200!

Definately worth a try.


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Re: Timing chains
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2010, 06:36:29 AM »
Be very careful with that "thin" oil - maybe fit an oil pressure gauge so that you can see what the actual pressure is with the engine up to operating temperature, especially on a hot summer day.  The filter you use can also make a difference, I switched to the SGP (Suzuki genuine Parts) filter and was able to complete eliminate the rattle at start up.

Now - I see you mentioning "rattle at idle" - rather than just as start up - you might want to change those chains anyway.
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Re: Timing chains
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2010, 12:16:21 AM »
all Ive ever had to do was the no1 chain tentioner......never had to replace the chains..... i would try that first, save some $$$ its not a bad job to do at home.....


edit: here is a small write up, http://bbs.zuwharrie.com/content?topic=45886.0

what i did was wrap the chain up tight with wire around the lower sprocket so that it didn't jump any teeth, undo the bolts that hold the tentioner, remove it, install new one, and cut the wire off.

if you do it like this, its hard to mess it up.

the tentioner in question is on the lower left of the screen, beside the water pump bolts, (kinda hard to see, held in with 2 bolts)  the wire gets twisted around the chain just above the lower sprocket.

« Last Edit: September 18, 2010, 12:29:27 AM by sir lance »
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